Affix (one's) signature to American British verb phrase
To sign one's name in some documents or materials
I read the terms in the contract of house renting thoroughly before affixing my signature to the bottom of it.
When buying a piece of land, try to read the contract carefully before affixing the signature to it.
I only believe in the document that the president had affixed his signature to it.
To sign a document that one loses or gives up his or her property or legal rights
To refer to a clear sign that something bad will probably occur.
Positive signs that a situation is in the process of improvement, especially an economic situation.
1. To record one's or another's attendance or arrival in a log book or register.
2. To log in.
3. To allow someone to log into a digital account or network.
4. The act of inputting personal credentials to get access to a digital account or network.
The verb "affix" should be conjugated according to its tense.