Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer American proverb
Người hỏi câu hỏi ngốc nghếch sẽ nhận một câu trả lời vô nghĩa, ngốc nghếch
Linda: "Hey, what do you think if I wear this pair of jeans for the wedding party?" Henry: "Well, ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer! You should ask yourself!"
Used to describe someone who is naive, gullible, inexperienced, easily fooled, ignorant, unsophisticated, etc.
To say, or believe something or someone that seems completely crazy, delusional, or stupid
someone who is stupid or crazy
A medieval version written in Middle English with almost exactly the same sentiment pre-dates the modern version by a good 500 years.
As in this example from the Minnesota newspaper, The Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Tuesday, April 1945, the modern translation had to wait until the 20th century.
To be very wet
Because of forgetting bringing an umbrella, I look like a drowned rat when it rains.