Brevity is the Soul of Wit proverb
If you want to tell a funny story, you should tell it as concisely as possible.
Maden always tries to be humorous by telling funny stories but no one is excited about his stories because they're too lengthy and rambling. He should know that brevity is the soul of wit.
A successful comedian is a person who knows brevity is the soul of wit.
Saying briefly is a feature of smart people. Saying too lengthily will lead to say stupid words.
His wife always controls his words every time they are in the crowd because he doesn't know brevity is the soul of wit.
a joke, idea, or suggestion falls flat, meaning that it does not achieve the intended effect.
Time is running out.
A humorous or sarcastic phrase used to suggest that someone has to confirm what they are about to say in order to avoid making contradictory pieces of information ( commonly seen in tweets)
Used to ask whether the word "funny" is being used to mean "humorous" or "strange"
This phrase is often given as advice or as a statement commending someone for an exceptionally witty statement.
Image Source: The Steak House Index
It is one of many phrases coined by William Shakespeare. It turns up in the second act in his play which is called Hamlet, where Polonius says, “Since brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…” Nevertheless, some critics claimed that this phrase was already in use before William Shakespeare's play. But by using this proverb in his play, Shakespeare made it more popular. On the other hand, some critics disagreed with this argument.
Friendships will develop well and be successful when the friends respect each other's privacy.
You should respect your friend's privacy. A hedge between keeps friendship green.