Business Before Pleasure In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "Business Before Pleasure", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Eudora Thao calendar 2021-01-13 03:01

Meaning of Business Before Pleasure


Age before beauty , cast one's pearls before swine , mix business with pleasure

Business Before Pleasure American proverb

Work responsibilities should be prioritzed before fun

I prefer playing video games to studying, but I guess business before pleasure.

Hi, Lisa. Can we have some coffee and talk before our company's conference? - Jane: I'm afraid business before pleasure, Lisa.

Other phrases about:

Catch the Next Wave

To keep up with the upcoming or future trends

Beauty contest / Beauty parade

1. A contest, usually among women,  to select the winner who is the most beautiful person.

2. An occasion when someone or businesses compete to persuade another company or organization to choose their services.

settle (one's) affairs

To handle one's business problems related to finance or property

golden goose

Something that is the potential to earn a lot of money. 

go online

1. To start working or become active

2. To use the Internet

Origin of Business Before Pleasure

In Thomas Hutchinson's Diary and Letters, this proverb first appeared in the year 1767. It took a slightly different form: to business, pleasure should always give way.



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Eat my dust

To be outperformed or outrun by someone, usually by a very wide margin.


You have to be quicker to finish this task or you will eat other my dust.

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