Cake (someone or something) with (something) verb phrase
"With" can be sometimes replaced by "in".
To cover someone or something with a layer of a soft or wet substance like mud, blood, etc. that becomes thick and hard when it dries
Elephants like to cake themselves with mud.
The victim was found being caked with blood.
My feet was caked in mud.
To cover a very wide range of things or every detail of something.
1. To sprinkle or cover something with a lot of something
2. To add or mix a lot of something in something such as a speech,video, story etc
3. To continuously attack someone or something with something such as stones, bullets, etc
To intentionally describe someone in a evil or malicious way
To cover someone or something with soap
The verb "cake" should be conjugated according to its tense.
I caked the statue with a new layer of oil paint.
To say the same thing repeatedly
Ok, I get it! You sound like a broken record, seriously!