(it) don't bother me none spoken language
An informal way to say that it doesn't bother me any.
You can turn on the TV as it don't bother me none.
A: Can I turn on the AC? B: Sure, it don't bother me none.
A: Can I sit here? B: Yes, it don't bother me none.
Not working properly
To make someone feel angry or upset
To take someone's attention away from, or interfere with what they are doing, so that they are unable to do it well
To do something in the present that is likely to cause you troubles or difficulties in the future
If you say that someone breaks your heart, you mean that he makes you sad by ending a romantic relationship with you or doing anything that has caused you a great deal of distress.
Eyes with dark rings around them
I get eyes like two burnt holes in a blanket after sleepless 2 nights