May the best man win In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "May the best man win", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Kathy Cao calendar 2021-03-11 05:03

Meaning of May the best man win

May the best man win phrase cliché

The word "man" can be replaced by "woman" or "person".

The expression is used at the beginning of a competition to say that you hope the most fastest, strongest, or most skilled person 


Tớ biết cả hai người các cậu đã rất nỗ lực và chăm chỉ cho cuộc thi này. Tất cả điều tớ muốn nói là người xứng đáng chiến thắng là người giỏi nhất.

A: "Who is your favorite player?" B: "Well, I'm here to cheer both of them on, so may the best man win."

Are you ready? Let's have a fair fight, and may the best person win!

Other phrases about:

Eat my dust

To be outperformed or outrun by someone, usually by a very wide margin.

heads I win, tails you lose

I will win no matter what happens.

to win by a nose

To win only by a smaill amount; to win narrowly

anyone's game

A game in which all sides have potential to win

snatch victory (from the jaws of defeat)
To win even though one is certain to lose

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