Spend money like water In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "spend money like water", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Jenne Phuong calendar 2021-11-01 01:11

Meaning of Spend money like water


spend money as if it grows on trees , spend money as if it were going out of style

Spend money like water phrase

The expression is used to show disapproval.

To spend a large amount of money unnecessarily or without consideration. 

Black Friday is when millions of people spend money like water.

If I were a billionaire, I would spend money like water.

Be careful when you spend money like water. You can end up being penniless.

Grammar and Usage of Spend money like water

Verb Forms

  • spending money like water
  • spends money like water
  • spent money like water
  • to spend money like water

The verb "spend" should be conjugated according to its tense.


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