Talk a good game In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "talk a good game", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Mia Le calendar 2020-10-30 06:10

Meaning of Talk a good game

Talk a good game informal

To say things that make people believe you do or can do something, even though it's not true.

I talked a good game with my mom, but actually I cannot quit my bad eating habit.

Steven talks a good game about studying hard, but he doesn't even do his homework.

Don't let Laura convince you, she just talks a good game.

Other phrases about:

time marches on

Time keeps passing.

(there are) no two ways about it
Definitely true; no other choices or alternatives
to set someone straight

To tell someone the truth about something that they had not understood or received false information

(the) truth will out
Used to say you believe that the truth will be discovered sooner or later

Grammar and Usage of Talk a good game

Verb Forms

  • talks a good game
  • talked a good game
  • talking a good game

The phrase start with a verb, therefore, we should make sure to use the correct 'subject verb agreement'.


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soften/cushion the blow
To make a difficult experience less serious; to make the situation better
Example: He has just went through an accident, but the insurance will cushion the blow.
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